Just two weeks ago, our entire Lifetime Eye Care staff attended the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Illinois Optometric Association in Springfield. We all were enrolled in continuing education courses for the entire 4-day convention.
Our first course focused on new trends in communication with patients. Our society being linked through social networks such as facebook, myspace, and various other internet sites is changing how the practice of Optometry presents information to our patients. Educating current patients as well as those considering our practice for their vision and eye health needs in matters of eye health and offering glimpses of the latest fashion trends in eyewear and sun protection via these networks is essential as we look ahead to the future. Our office now hosts not only this blog, but a facebook page in addition to our website. (http://www.visionsource-lifetimeeyecare.com/)
Other course subjects included "Electronic Health Records," and "Optometric Triage," with Dr. Scot Morris, OD FAAO. We will, in the very near future be making the change from paper charts to electronic health records in order to keep up with federal medical standards which are forthcoming. "Optometric Triage" focused on continued education in handling ocular emergencies when they arise. We were reminded of the appropriate questions to ask and instructions to offer when the phone rings with an emergency.
Dr. Esarey and I attended courses concerning "The Newest Treatments for Glaucoma," and "Macular Diseases," as well as learning new trends and tools in "Diagnosis and Health Management of Pediatric Patients." Our staff was re-trained in the examination of "Non-Verbal, Physically and/or Visually Impaired Patients: Pediatrics to Geriatrics." As our eye care practice encompasses patients of all ages with diverse health and vision needs, staying abreast of all diagnostic and treatment options for our patients will always be our goal as Optometrists.
We are proud to be members of the Illinois Optometric Association and look forward to next year's Annual Meeting.
Until next time...Dr. Duzan