1. Avoid masks or costumes that obscure vision.
2. When using makeup, remember to:
2. When using makeup, remember to:
Use only products approved for use on the skin.
Keep products away from eyes.
Use care in removing the product to avoid getting it into eyes.
3. Wear reflective clothing or attach reflective tape to costumes and Trick or Treat bags.
4. Carry a flashlight. NOTE: The "glow sticks" that are sold at Halloween are filled with a chemical that can cause eye irritation and they really don't illuminate very well.
5. Tie hats and scarves on securely to make certain they don't slip over eyes and obstruct vision.
There are decorative contact lenses that feature wild designs and so-called "Circle Lenses" that make the eye appear larger. While generally safe if prescribed and worn under the supervision of an Optometrist, these decorative lenses can cause serious eye problems if worn improperly. Please remember, that contact lenses - whether decorative or not - are medical devices that must be prescribed by an eye doctor. DO NOT BUY LENSES from a flea market, hair salon, or online. Do NOT share lenses with anyone. Wear the lenses only for the time prescribed by your doctor.